Hi, i have decided to post all my articles at once, as opposed to spacing them out, and i will begin writing new ones as soon as i am able. Some constructive criticism would be nice, as i am not the best writer. I am a History major so i don't really need to be. Back in the Saddle I must apologize for my absence, my pretties. I was too poor to buy comic books and none of my old issues lit the fire underneath me that is necessary for me to write this piece. Recently, though, I have st...
Them's Fightin' Words Man oh man is this looking like a good year for movies. Great movies...FABULOUS movies. That's right, I am talking about comic book movies. Not just this year either, but in the next two years there are going to be a whole slew of comic book movies are in the works for us hardcore nerds (and also the fair weather comic book geeks). I'll go into the ones that are coming out this year and whose dates are definitely set. Hellboy is coming out within the next...
Are You the Man Who Killed My Pah? It's nice to see marvel in an upswing again, it really is. They have been putting out some really good material lately. REALLY good. With the Ultimate titles, Marvel Knights, and the rising popularity of graphic novels, I've been in a comic book heaven. What I want to talk to you about today, however, is the 1602 series Marvel is currently doing. This incredible piece of comic literature is being written by none other than Neil Gaiman. This alone is...
We see harmful portrayals of women in the vast majority of the media we are exposed to; movies, television, and magazines just to name a few. There is one place where this occurs that I never gave much thought to, even though I have them in my face in them almost every day. Comic books have some of the most outlandish portrayals of women that I’ve been subjected to, but I hardly give it a second thought. Leggy, busty women comprise the overwhelming majority of female heroes. In all the co...
This Town Ain't Big Enough For the Both of Us I am going to talk to you today about something i mentioned briefly in my previous Comic Store Cowboy, Marvels new comic book line The Ultimate titles. This is been a massive project by Marvel, where they take some of our most beloved titles and start them over in a year one style. This new series is completely separate from the normal Marvel universe. Some of the titles in this new series are; Ultimate X-Men, Ultimate Spiderman, The Ultimates ...